FB48 MAN P02 : Manual Mode Heat Exchanger |
Network 1: G220C Heating cycle pump - enable IF #ST_MANU AND NOT #SUPPORT_SEQ THEN IF "DI MAIN GLB".P00.CmpltMaRun_Imp THEN #G220C.ManuVelocity_2 := LREAL_TO_LINT("DI OUT P02".G220C.DRV.Support.SetVelo / 15.0); END_IF; // Assign slider velocithy, and set value IF "DI OUT P02".G220C.DRV.MC_MoveJog.Busy AND NOT "DI OUT P02".G220C.DRV.MC_MoveVelocity.Busy THEN IF #G220C.ManuVelocity_2 < 100 AND "HMI KEY".P02.G220C.F3_Jog_slow_WP AND "M00 Imp 2.5Hz" THEN #G220C.ManuVelocity_2 := #G220C.ManuVelocity_2 + 1; ELSIF #G220C.ManuVelocity_2 > 0 AND "HMI KEY".P02.G220C.F4_Jog_slow_HP AND "M00 Imp 2.5Hz" THEN #G220C.ManuVelocity_2 := #G220C.ManuVelocity_2 - 1; END_IF; #tmp_sav_lword := #G220C.ManuVelocity_2_sav XOR #G220C.ManuVelocity_2; #G220C.ManuVelocity_2_sav := #G220C.ManuVelocity_2; IF #tmp_sav_lword <> 0 THEN #tmp_sav_lword := #tmp_sav_lword AND #G220C.ManuVelocity_2_sav; IF #tmp_sav_lword >= 0 THEN "HMI KEY".P02.GLB.SliderControl := LINT_TO_INT(IN := #G220C.ManuVelocity_2); ELSE RETURN; END_IF; ELSE #G220C.ManuVelocity_2_sav := #G220C.ManuVelocity_2 := INT_TO_LINT(IN := "HMI KEY".P02.GLB.SliderControl); END_IF; END_IF; // Set value velocity IF "HMI KEY".P02.G220C.F17_GoToAbsoPos THEN "DI OUT P02".G220C.DRV.MC_MoveVelocity.Velocity := #G220C.ManuVelocity_1; ELSE "DI OUT P02".G220C.DRV.Support.SetVelo := LINT_TO_LREAL(IN := #G220C.ManuVelocity_2 * 15); END_IF; END_IF;
// Enabling drive "HMI KEY".P02.G220C.F12_Enable_WP := "DI OUT P02".G220C.DRV.Support.InOperation AND NOT "DI OUT P02".G220C.Com_FLT AND "E02 LS212 DRP"; // Off switching MovVelocity IF "HMI KEY".P02.G220C.F20_Jog_fast_HP OR "DI OUT P02".G220C.HALT_01 OR "DI OUT P02".G220C.DRV.MC_MoveVelocity.Busy THEN #G220C.CmdExe_slow_fast_WP := FALSE; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P02.G220C.F19_Jog_fast_WP THEN #G220C.CmdExe_slow_fast_WP := "HMI KEY".P02.G220C.F12_Enable_WP; END_IF; |
Network 2: M201 Product Booster pump - enable "HMI KEY".P02.M201.F12_Enable_WP := NOT ("DI OUT P02".M201.HALT_01 OR "DI OUT P02".M201.Com_FLT) AND "DI OUT P01".G120C.DRV.Support.LampON; // M201 off switching IF NOT "HMI KEY".P02.M201.F12_Enable_WP OR "HMI KEY".P02.M201.F1_HP THEN "DI OUT P02".M201.DRV.CmdExe_WP := FALSE; END_IF; |
Network 3: V201 Steam inlet valve - enable "HMI KEY".P02.V201.F12_Enable_WP := "E00 AirPressur ok" AND NOT "DI OUT P02".V201.Com_FLT AND "DI OUT P02".TT206.Support.Out_Scale < 98.0 AND "DI OUT P02".G220C.DRV.Support.LampON; |
Network 4: V202 Bypass heat exchanger HE1 - enable "HMI KEY".P02.V202.F12_Enable_WP := "DI OUT P02".V202.RLS AND "E00 Estp FdB" AND NOT "DI OUT P02".V202.Com_FLT; |
Network 5: V203 Glycol inlet valve - enable "HMI KEY".P02.V203.F12_Enable_WP := "DI OUT P02".V203.RLS AND "E00 Estp FdB" AND NOT "DI OUT P02".V203.Com_FLT; |
Network 6: V204 Steam regulating valve - enable "HMI KEY".P02.V204.F12_Enable_WP := "DI MAIN GLB".P00.GLB_Estop; IF NOT "HMI KEY".P02.V204.F12_Enable_WP THEN "DI OUT P02".V204.ManualEnable := "DI OUT P02".V204.ModeActivate := FALSE; ELSIF "DI OUT P02".V204.ManualEnable AND "DI OUT P02".V204.State = 4 AND "DI MAIN GLB".P00.ManuCmpltMa_run THEN "DI OUT P02".V204.ManualValue := "DI OUT P02".V204.Support.ManualValue; END_IF; |
Network 7: V205 Glycol regulating valve - enable "HMI KEY".P02.V205.F12_Enable_WP := "DI MAIN GLB".P00.GLB_Estop; IF NOT "HMI KEY".P02.V205.F12_Enable_WP THEN "DI OUT P02".V205.ManualEnable := "DI OUT P02".V205.ModeActivate := FALSE; ELSIF "DI OUT P02".V205.ManualEnable AND "DI OUT P02".V205.State = 4 AND "DI MAIN GLB".P00.ManuCmpltMa_run THEN "DI OUT P02".V205.ManualValue := "DI OUT P02".V205.Support.ManualValue; END_IF; |
Network 8: Monitoring manual operation *** IF NOT #ST_MANU THEN RETURN; ELSIF #MODULE_HP AND NOT #Support.HomPos_REg THEN "DI MAIN P02".M02.Init := TRUE; END_IF; #Support.HomPos_REg := #MODULE_HP; IF #SUPPORT_SEQ THEN RETURN; END_IF; |
Network 9: M201 Product Booster pump - execute IF "HMI KEY".P02.M201.F2_WP AND NOT #Support."M201_F2_WP_REg" THEN "DI OUT P02".M201.DRV.CmdExe_WP := "HMI KEY".P02.M201.F12_Enable_WP; END_IF; #Support."M201_F2_WP_REg" := "HMI KEY".P02.M201.F2_WP; |
Network 10: V201 Steam inlet valve - execute "DI OUT P02".V201.VLV_O.CmdExe_WP := "HMI KEY".P02.V201.F12_Enable_WP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P02.V201.F1_HP AND ("HMI KEY".P02.V201.F2_WP OR "DI OUT P02".V201.FB_WP); |
Network 11: V202 Bypass heat exchanger HE1 - execute "DI OUT P02".V202.VLV_O.CmdExe_WP := "HMI KEY".P02.V202.F12_Enable_WP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P02.V202.F1_HP AND ("HMI KEY".P02.V202.F2_WP OR "DI OUT P02".V202.FB_WP); |
Network 12: V203 Glycol inlet valve - execute "DI OUT P02".V203.VLV_O.CmdExe_WP := "HMI KEY".P02.V203.F12_Enable_WP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P02.V203.F1_HP AND ("HMI KEY".P02.V203.F2_WP OR "DI OUT P02".V203.FB_WP); |
Network 13: V204 Steam regulating valve - execute IF "DI OUT P02".V204.Reset THEN "DI OUT P02".V204.ManualValue := 0; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P02.V204.F3_Jog_slow_WP AND "DI OUT P02".V204.ManualValue < 100.0 AND "M00 Imp 2.5Hz" THEN "DI OUT P02".V204.ManualValue := "DI OUT P02".V204.ManualValue + 1.0; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P02.V204.F4_Jog_slow_HP AND "DI OUT P02".V204.ManualValue > 0.0 AND "M00 Imp 2.5Hz" THEN "DI OUT P02".V204.ManualValue := "DI OUT P02".V204.ManualValue - 1.0; END_IF; |
Network 14: V205 Glycol regulating valve - execute IF "DI OUT P02".V205.Reset THEN "DI OUT P02".V205.ManualValue := 0; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P02.V205.F3_Jog_slow_WP AND "DI OUT P02".V205.ManualValue < 100.0 AND "M00 Imp 2.5Hz" THEN "DI OUT P02".V205.ManualValue := "DI OUT P02".V205.ManualValue + 1.0; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P02.V205.F4_Jog_slow_HP AND "DI OUT P02".V205.ManualValue > 0.0 AND "M00 Imp 2.5Hz" THEN "DI OUT P02".V205.ManualValue := "DI OUT P02".V205.ManualValue - 1.0; END_IF; |