FB52 SEQ1 P03 : Two Aisle Automated Small Parts Storage


The stacker crane (STC) determinate the shortest distance to target position by factoring out the place number stored in the data-box. Hereby, the y-axis more specifically the x-axis factor witch is then used to calculate the distance to target position on x-axis to HBS1 or HBS2.

The code section shown below determinates the absolute distance of x-axis targeted in HBS1 or HBS2. If the shortest distance is the one in HBS1, the stacker crane will first travel to the storage place in HBS1, otherwise to HBS2


Netzwerk 1: Pre-Setting

#BoxCommissionDone_HSB1 :=

"DI OUT P03".HBS1.RdyToTakeIn_FrmNC AND "E03 G120C_Z MiddleCntrl"

AND NOT ("HMI KEY".P03.M303.F15_Actor_On_HP OR "HMI KEY".P03.M304.F15_Actor_On_HP OR "HMI KEY".P03.M305.F15_Actor_On_HP);

#BoxCommissionDone_HSB2 :=

"DI OUT P03".HBS2.RdyToTakeIn_FrmNC AND "E03 G120C_Z MiddleCntrl"

AND NOT ("HMI KEY".P03.M302.F16_Actor_On_WP OR "HMI KEY".P03.M303.F16_Actor_On_WP OR "HMI KEY".P03.M304.F16_Actor_On_WP);

#DlyOnCommissionDone(IN := #BoxCommissionDone_HSB1 OR #BoxCommissionDone_HSB2 OR #STCtoLoadPosDone,

                     PT := t#800ms);




Netzwerk 2: Define SSM last step



Checking if the stacker crane is ready to go or if its charge distribution is fully completed. If it is ready to go, it forms a bit pattern in witch it reads which conveyor is occupied.  If the data is valid, it create a precedence order called current commission.  


CASE #SSM.S.stepact OF

    0: // Waiting for sequencer programme to start

        "DI MAIN P03".M00.SEQ1_Busy := FALSE;

        #SSM.S.stepd := #SSM.S.steps;


    1: // Query box data for next destination

        "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Info.Occupied := "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.BoxCode <> 16#F000_0000;

        "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Info.Occupied := "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.BoxCode <> 16#F000_0000;

        "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Info.Occupied := "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.BoxCode <> 16#F000_0000;

        "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Info.Occupied := "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.BoxCode <> 16#F000_0000;

        "DI MAIN P03".M00.RdyToStart :=

        "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Info.Occupied OR "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Info.Occupied

        OR "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Info.Occupied OR "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Info.Occupied;

        IF #SSM.S.stepfc AND NOT "DI MAIN P03".M00.RdyToStart THEN

            "DI MAIN P03".M00.SEQ1_Busy := TRUE;

            #SSM.S.stepnew := 7;

            #SSM.S.stepd := TRUE;


            #STCtoLoadPosDone := FALSE;

            // If HSB >1 then = HSB2, else 0 = HSB1

            #Load_HBS12.%X0 := "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.HBS > 1 AND NOT ("DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.HBS = 0);

            #Load_HBS12.%X1 := "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.HBS > 1 AND NOT ("DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.HBS = 0);

            #Load_HBS12.%X2 := "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.HBS > 1 AND NOT ("DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.HBS = 0);

            #Load_HBS12.%X3 := "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.HBS > 1 AND NOT ("DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.HBS = 0);

            // Target destination order of perecedence.

            "PRECEDENCE ORDER"(LOAD_HBS12 := #Load_HBS12,

                               BOXDATA1_OCCUPIED := "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Info.Occupied,

                               BOXDATA2_OCCUPIED := "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Info.Occupied,

                               BOXDATA3_OCCUPIED := "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Info.Occupied,

                               BOXDATA4_OCCUPIED := "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Info.Occupied,

                               COMMISSION_POINTER => #CurrentCommission,

                               GOTO_STEP := #SSM.S.stepnew);

            IF #SSM.S.stepnew >= 2 AND #CurrentCommission >= 1 THEN

                #SSM.S.stepd := TRUE;

            ELSIF NOT #SSM.S.steplo THEN

                #SSM.S."1_FAULT_00_15".%X2 := TRUE;




    2: // M302 > HBS1, M303 > HBS1, M304 > HBS1, M305 > HBS1

        IF #SSM.S.stepfc THEN

            // M302 > HBS1

            "DI MAIN P03".MoDa.RunTimeSetP_seq1 := 350;

            "DI MAIN P03".MoDa.RunTimeCntrl_seq1 := 0;

            IF "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Info.Occupied THEN

                #ExecuteCoordinate(INDEX_POS := "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place,

                                   REF_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.RefPos,

                                   PLACES_ON_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.NoOf_Places_X,

                                   PLACES_ON_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.NoOf_Places_Y,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.Gap.X,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.Gap.Y,

                                   TARGET_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.PlacingPos);

                #CurrentStoragePlace := "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.MC_MoveAbsolute.Position := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.Gap.Z * "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Depth;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.SetVelo := "DI OUT P03".Manual.G120C_Z.TchInVelo_1;

                "DI OUT P03".HBS1.RdyToTakeIn_FrmNC := TRUE;

                IF "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 1 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Info.SmalBox := TRUE;

                ELSIF "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 2 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Info.LargeBox := TRUE;


                    #SSM.S."1_FAULT_00_15".%X1 := TRUE;


                // M303 > HBS1   

            ELSIF "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Info.Occupied THEN

                #ExecuteCoordinate(INDEX_POS := "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place,

                                   REF_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.RefPos,

                                   PLACES_ON_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.NoOf_Places_X,

                                   PLACES_ON_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.NoOf_Places_Y,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.Gap.X,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.Gap.Y,

                                   TARGET_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.PlacingPos);

                #CurrentStoragePlace := "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.MC_MoveAbsolute.Position := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.Gap.Z * "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Depth;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.SetVelo := "DI OUT P03".Manual.G120C_Z.TchInVelo_1;

                "DI OUT P03".HBS1.RdyToTakeIn_FrmNC := TRUE;

                IF "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 1 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Info.SmalBox := TRUE;

                ELSIF "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 2 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Info.LargeBox := TRUE;


                    #SSM.S."1_FAULT_00_15".%X1 := TRUE;


                // M304 > HBS1

            ELSIF "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Info.Occupied THEN

                #ExecuteCoordinate(INDEX_POS := "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place,

                                   REF_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.RefPos,

                                   PLACES_ON_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.NoOf_Places_X,

                                   PLACES_ON_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.NoOf_Places_Y,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.Gap.X,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.Gap.Y,

                                   TARGET_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.PlacingPos);

                #CurrentStoragePlace := "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.SetVelo := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.Gap.Z * "DI OUT P03".HBS2_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Depth;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.SetVelo := "DI OUT P03".Manual.G120C_Z.TchInVelo_1;

                "DI OUT P03".HBS1.RdyToTakeIn_FrmNC := TRUE;

                IF "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 1 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Info.SmalBox := TRUE;

                ELSIF "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 2 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Info.LargeBox := TRUE;


                    #SSM.S."1_FAULT_00_15".%X1 := TRUE;



                // M305 > HBS1

                #ExecuteCoordinate(INDEX_POS := "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place,

                                   REF_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.RefPos,

                                   PLACES_ON_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.NoOf_Places_X,

                                   PLACES_ON_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.NoOf_Places_Y,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.Gap.X,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.Gap.Y,

                                   TARGET_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.PlacingPos);

                #CurrentStoragePlace := "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.MC_MoveAbsolute.Position := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.Gap.Z * "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Depth;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.SetVelo := "DI OUT P03".Manual.G120C_Z.TchInVelo_1;

                "DI OUT P03".HBS1.RdyToTakeIn_FrmNC := TRUE;

                IF "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 1 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Info.SmalBox := TRUE;

                ELSIF "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 2 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Info.LargeBox := TRUE;


                    #SSM.S."1_FAULT_00_15".%X1 := TRUE;



        ELSE // Move STC to TargetPos HBS1

            "POS REACHED"(START := #SSM.S.steplo OR NOT #SSM.S.stepa,

                          TARGET_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS1.PlacingPos,

                          VELO_X := "DI OUT P03".Manual.G120C_X.TchInVelo_1,

                          VELO_Y := "DI OUT P03".Manual.G120C_Y.TchInVelo_1,

                          ENABLE_X := "DI OUT P03".G120C_X.DRV.Support.Epos_Enabled,

                          ENABLE_Y := "DI OUT P03".G120C_Y.DRV.Support.Epos_Enabled,

                          WINDOW_RANGE := 1.0,

                          MOV_TO_POS_X => "DI OUT P03".G120C_X.DRV.Support.Cmd_MovAbso,

                          MOV_TO_POS_Y => "DI OUT P03".G120C_Y.DRV.Support.Cmd_MovAbso,

                          TARGET_REACHED => "DI MAIN P03".M00.SEQ1_Busy);

            "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.Cmd_MovAbso := "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.Epos_Enabled

            AND "E03 GapCntrl HBS1" AND "DI MAIN P03".M00.SEQ1_Busy AND ("E03 M302 LimS21" OR #SSM.S.c1.done) AND #SSM.S.stepa;

            // G120C_Z MovAbso towing arm towards extended pos. HBS1

            IF "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.InPos AND NOT ("E03 G120C_Z MiddleCntrl" OR #SSM.S.c1.done) THEN

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.Cmd_MovAbso := FALSE;

                #SSM.S.c1.start := TRUE;

                #SSM.S.c1.set := 10;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.MC_MoveAbsolute.Position := 0.0;

                // G120C_Z MovAbso towing arm towards middle pos 0.0

            ELSIF "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.InPos AND "E03 G120C_Z MiddleCntrl" THEN

                #SSM.S.c2.start := #BoxCommissionDone_HSB1;

                #SSM.S.c2.set := 25;

                "DI MAIN P03".M00.SEQ1_Done := #SSM.S.c2.done;




    3:  // M305 > HBS2, M304 > HBS2, M303 > HBS2, M302 > HBS2

        IF #SSM.S.stepfc THEN

            // M305 > HBS2

            "DI MAIN P03".MoDa.RunTimeSetP_seq1 := 380;

            "DI MAIN P03".MoDa.RunTimeCntrl_seq1 := 0;

            IF "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Info.Occupied THEN

                #ExecuteCoordinate(INDEX_POS := "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place,

                                   REF_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.RefPos,

                                   PLACES_ON_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.NoOf_Places_X,

                                   PLACES_ON_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.NoOf_Places_Y,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.Gap.X,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.Gap.Y,

                                   TARGET_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.PlacingPos);

                #CurrentStoragePlace := "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.MC_MoveAbsolute.Position := - "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.Gap.Z * "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Depth;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.SetVelo := "DI OUT P03".Manual.G120C_Z.TchInVelo_1;

                "DI OUT P03".HBS2.RdyToTakeIn_FrmNC := TRUE;

                IF "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 1 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Info.SmalBox := TRUE;

                ELSIF "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 2 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M305_Box_Data.Info.LargeBox := TRUE;


                    #SSM.S."1_FAULT_00_15".%X1 := TRUE;


                // M304 > HBS2   

            ELSIF "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Info.Occupied THEN

                #ExecuteCoordinate(INDEX_POS := "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place,

                                   REF_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.RefPos,

                                   PLACES_ON_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.NoOf_Places_X,

                                   PLACES_ON_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.NoOf_Places_Y,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.Gap.X,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.Gap.Y,

                                   TARGET_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.PlacingPos);

                #CurrentStoragePlace := "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.MC_MoveAbsolute.Position := - "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.Gap.Z * "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Depth;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.SetVelo := "DI OUT P03".Manual.G120C_Z.TchInVelo_1;

                "DI OUT P03".HBS2.RdyToTakeIn_FrmNC := TRUE;

                IF "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 1 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Info.SmalBox := TRUE;

                ELSIF "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 2 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M304_Box_Data.Info.LargeBox := TRUE;


                    #SSM.S."1_FAULT_00_15".%X1 := TRUE;


                // M303 > HBS2   

            ELSIF "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Info.Occupied THEN

                #ExecuteCoordinate(INDEX_POS := "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place,

                                   REF_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.RefPos,

                                   PLACES_ON_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.NoOf_Places_X,

                                   PLACES_ON_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.NoOf_Places_Y,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.Gap.X,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.Gap.Y,

                                   TARGET_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.PlacingPos);

                #CurrentStoragePlace := "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.MC_MoveAbsolute.Position := - "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.Gap.Z * "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Depth;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.SetVelo := "DI OUT P03".Manual.G120C_Z.TchInVelo_1;

                "DI OUT P03".HBS2.RdyToTakeIn_FrmNC := TRUE;

                IF "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 1 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Info.SmalBox := TRUE;

                ELSIF "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 2 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M303_Box_Data.Info.LargeBox := TRUE;


                    #SSM.S."1_FAULT_00_15".%X1 := TRUE;



                // M302 > HBS2   

                #ExecuteCoordinate(INDEX_POS := "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place,

                                   REF_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.RefPos,

                                   PLACES_ON_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.NoOf_Places_X,

                                   PLACES_ON_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.NoOf_Places_Y,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_X := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.Gap.X,

                                   GAP_FACTOR_Y := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.Gap.Y,

                                   TARGET_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.PlacingPos);

                #CurrentStoragePlace := "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Place;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.MC_MoveAbsolute.Position := - "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.Gap.Z * "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Trgt_Storage.Depth;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.SetVelo := "DI OUT P03".Manual.G120C_Z.TchInVelo_1;

                "DI OUT P03".HBS2.RdyToTakeIn_FrmNC := TRUE;

                IF "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 1 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Info.SmalBox := TRUE;

                ELSIF "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Info.SizeTyp = 2 THEN

                    "DI OUT P03".M302_Box_Data.Info.LargeBox := TRUE;


                    #SSM.S."1_FAULT_00_15".%X1 := TRUE;




            // Move STC to TartePos HBS2   

            "POS REACHED"(START := #SSM.S.steplo OR NOT #SSM.S.stepa,

                          TARGET_POS := "ModulDa".MaPa.HBS2.PlacingPos,

                          VELO_X := "DI OUT P03".Manual.G120C_X.TchInVelo_1,

                          VELO_Y := "DI OUT P03".Manual.G120C_Y.TchInVelo_1,

                          ENABLE_X := "DI OUT P03".G120C_X.DRV.Support.Epos_Enabled,

                          ENABLE_Y := "DI OUT P03".G120C_Y.DRV.Support.Epos_Enabled,

                          WINDOW_RANGE := 1.0,

                          MOV_TO_POS_X => "DI OUT P03".G120C_X.DRV.Support.Cmd_MovAbso,

                          MOV_TO_POS_Y => "DI OUT P03".G120C_Y.DRV.Support.Cmd_MovAbso,

                          TARGET_REACHED => "DI MAIN P03".M00.SEQ1_Busy);

            "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.Cmd_MovAbso := "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.Epos_Enabled

            AND "E03 GapCntrl HBS2" AND "DI MAIN P03".M00.SEQ1_Busy AND ("E03 M305 LimS52" OR #SSM.S.c1.done) AND #SSM.S.stepa;

            // G120C_Z MovAbso towing arm towards extended pos. HBS2

            IF "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.InPos AND NOT ("E03 G120C_Z MiddleCntrl" OR #SSM.S.c1.done) THEN

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.Cmd_MovAbso := FALSE;

                #SSM.S.c1.start := TRUE;

                #SSM.S.c1.set := 10;

                "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.MC_MoveAbsolute.Position := 0.0;

                // G120C_Z MovAbso towing arm towards middle pos. 0.0   

            ELSIF "DI OUT P03".G120C_Z.DRV.Support.InPos AND "E03 G120C_Z MiddleCntrl" THEN

                #SSM.S.c2.start := #BoxCommissionDone_HSB2;

                #SSM.S.c2.set := 25;

                "DI MAIN P03".M00.SEQ1_Done := #SSM.S.c2.done;




FB52 SEQ1 1/3



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