FB MAN P01 : Manual mode P01 |
Network 1: S120_X-Axis gasketting plant - enable IF #ST_MANU AND NOT #SUPPORT_SEQ THEN IF "DI MAIN GLB".M00.CmpltMaRun_Imp THEN #S120_X.ManuVelocity_1 := "DI OUT P01".S120_X.DRV.Support.SetVelo / 5.0; ELSE // Set value velocity "DI OUT P01".S120_X.DRV.Support.SetVelo := #S120_X.ManuVelocity_1 * 5.0; // Jog slow WP (button function) #S120_X.CmdExe_slow_WP := "HMI KEY".P01.S120_X.F3_Jog_slow_WP; // Jog slow HP (button function) #S120_X.CmdExe_slow_HP := "HMI KEY".P01.S120_X.F4_Jog_slow_HP; // Calculate remainder MovRelaTargtPos after sequencer stop-interruption (option for MovRela) IF "HMI KEY".P01.S120_X.F21_Halt AND "HMI KEY".P01.S120_X.F10_Execute THEN "DI OUT P01".S120_X.DRV.MC_MoveRelative.Distance := "DI OUT P01".S120_X.DRV.Support.SavTrgtPos - "DI OUT P01".S120_X.DRV.Support.ActPos; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; // Enabling HP "HMI KEY".P01.S120_X.F11_Enable_HP := "DI OUT P01".S120_X.DRV.Support.InOperation // ready AND "E01 S120_X Lim_ACW" AND "DI OUT P01".S120_X.DRV.Support.ActPos >= "DI OUT P01".S120_X.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_MinPos //(not by modulo on) AND NOT ("DI OUT P01".S120_X.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_Min OR "DI OUT P01".S120_X.Com_FLT);
// Enabling WP "HMI KEY".P01.S120_X.F12_Enable_WP := "DI OUT P01".S120_X.DRV.Support.InOperation // ready AND "E01 S120_X Lim_CW" AND "DI OUT P01".S120_X.DRV.Support.ActPos <= "DI OUT P01".S120_X.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_MaxPos // (not by modulo on) AND NOT ("DI OUT P01".S120_X.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_Max OR "DI OUT P01".S120_X.Com_FLT); |
Network 2: S120_Y-Axis gasketting plant - enable IF #ST_MANU AND NOT #SUPPORT_SEQ THEN IF "DI MAIN GLB".M00.CmpltMaRun_Imp THEN #S120_Y.ManuVelocity_1 := "DI OUT P01".S120_Y.DRV.Support.SetVelo / 5.0; ELSE // Set value velocity "DI OUT P01".S120_Y.DRV.Support.SetVelo := #S120_Y.ManuVelocity_1 * 5.0; // Jog slow WP (button function) #S120_Y.CmdExe_slow_WP := "HMI KEY".P01.S120_Y.F3_Jog_slow_WP; // Jog slow HP (button function) #S120_Y.CmdExe_slow_HP := "HMI KEY".P01.S120_Y.F4_Jog_slow_HP; // Calculate remainder MovRelaTargtPos after sequencer stop-interruption (option for MovRela) IF "HMI KEY".P01.S120_Y.F21_Halt AND "HMI KEY".P01.S120_Y.F10_Execute THEN "DI OUT P01".S120_Y.DRV.MC_MoveRelative.Distance := "DI OUT P01".S120_Y.DRV.Support.SavTrgtPos - "DI OUT P01".S120_Y.DRV.Support.ActPos; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; // Enabling HP "HMI KEY".P01.S120_Y.F11_Enable_HP := "DI OUT P01".S120_Y.DRV.Support.InOperation // ready AND "E01 S120_Y Lim_ACW" AND "DI OUT P01".S120_Y.DRV.Support.ActPos >= "DI OUT P01".S120_Y.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_MinPos //(not by modulo on) AND NOT ("DI OUT P01".S120_Y.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_Min OR "DI OUT P01".S120_Y.Com_FLT);
// Enabling WP "HMI KEY".P01.S120_Y.F12_Enable_WP := "DI OUT P01".S120_Y.DRV.Support.InOperation // ready AND "E01 S120_Y Lim_CW" AND "DI OUT P01".S120_Y.DRV.Support.ActPos <= "DI OUT P01".S120_Y.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_MaxPos // (not by modulo on) AND NOT ("DI OUT P01".S120_Y.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_Max OR "DI OUT P01".S120_Y.Com_FLT); |
Network 3: S210_Z-Axis gasketting plant - enable IF #ST_MANU AND NOT #SUPPORT_SEQ THEN IF "DI MAIN GLB".M00.CmpltMaRun_Imp THEN #S210_Z.ManuVelocity_1 := "DI OUT P01".S210_Z.DRV.Support.SetVelo / 6.0; ELSE // Set value velocity "DI OUT P01".S210_Z.DRV.Support.SetVelo := #S210_Z.ManuVelocity_1 * 6.0; // Jog slow WP (button function) #S210_Z.CmdExe_slow_WP := "HMI KEY".P01.S210_Z.F3_Jog_slow_WP; // Jog slow HP (button function) #S210_Z.CmdExe_slow_HP := "HMI KEY".P01.S210_Z.F4_Jog_slow_HP; END_IF; END_IF; // Calculate remainder MovRelaTargtPos after sequencer stop-interruption (option for MovRela) IF "HMI KEY".P01.S210_Z.F21_Halt AND "HMI KEY".P01.S210_Z.F10_Execute THEN "DI OUT P01".S210_Z.DRV.MC_MoveRelative.Distance := "DI OUT P01".S210_Z.DRV.Support.SavTrgtPos - "DI OUT P01".S210_Z.DRV.Support.ActPos; END_IF;
// Enabling HP "HMI KEY".P01.S210_Z.F11_Enable_HP := "DI OUT P01".S210_Z.DRV.Support.InOperation // ready AND "E01 S210_Z Lim_ACW" AND "DI OUT P01".S210_Z.DRV.Support.ActPos >= "DI OUT P01".S210_Z.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_MinPos //(not by modulo on) AND NOT ("DI OUT P01".S210_Z.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_Min OR "DI OUT P01".S210_Z.Com_FLT);
// Enabling WP "HMI KEY".P01.S210_Z.F12_Enable_WP := "DI OUT P01".S210_Z.DRV.Support.InOperation // ready AND "E01 S210_Z Lim_CW" AND "DI OUT P01".S210_Z.DRV.Support.ActPos <= "DI OUT P01".S210_Z.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_MaxPos // (not by modulo on) AND NOT ("DI OUT P01".S210_Z.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_Max OR "DI OUT P01".S210_Z.Com_FLT); |
Network 4: CARTESIAN Portal 3D - enable IF #ST_MANU AND NOT #SUPPORT_SEQ THEN // Kinematics GroupMoveStop GroupMoveInterupt GroupMoveContinue IF "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F5_GroupStop THEN "DI OUT P01".CARTESIAN_3D.DRV.Support.Cmd_MoveCircularAbsolute := "DI OUT P01".CARTESIAN_3D.DRV.Support.Cmd_MoveCircularRelative := "DI OUT P01".CARTESIAN_3D.DRV.Support.Cmd_MoveLinearAbsolute := "DI OUT P01".CARTESIAN_3D.DRV.Support.Cmd_MoveLinearRelative := #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_MovLinAbso := #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_MovLinRela := #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_MovCirAbso := #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_MovCirRela := FALSE; END_IF; END_IF; // Enabling Kinematics "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F8_Enabled := "DI OUT P01".CARTESIAN_3D.DRV.Support.InOperation AND NOT ("DI OUT P01".CARTESIAN_3D.Com_FLT OR "DI MAIN GLB".M00.CmpltMaOFF_Imp); // Stop GroupInerrupt and GroupContinue IF NOT ("DI OUT P01".CARTESIAN_3D.DRV.Support.GroupInterrupt AND "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F8_Enabled) THEN #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_GroupContinue := #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_GroupInterrupt := FALSE; END_IF; // Execute MoveLinearAbsolute IF "DI OUT P01".CARTESIAN_3D.DRV.MC_MoveLinearAbsolute.Done OR NOT "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F8_Enabled THEN #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_MovLinAbso := FALSE; END_IF; // Stop execute MoveLinearRelative IF "DI OUT P01".CARTESIAN_3D.DRV.MC_MoveLinearRelative.Done OR NOT "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F8_Enabled THEN #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_MovLinRela := FALSE; END_IF; // Stop execute MoveCircularAbsolute IF "DI OUT P01".CARTESIAN_3D.DRV.MC_MoveCircularAbsolute.Done OR NOT "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F8_Enabled THEN #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_MovCirAbso := FALSE; END_IF; // Stop execute MoveCircularRelative IF "DI OUT P01".CARTESIAN_3D.DRV.MC_MoveCircularRelative.Done OR NOT "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F8_Enabled THEN #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_MovCirRela := FALSE; END_IF; |
Network 5: V90_A Servo drive metering component A - enable IF #ST_MANU AND NOT #SUPPORT_SEQ THEN IF "DI MAIN GLB".M00.CmpltMaRun_Imp THEN #V90_A.ManuVelocity_1 := "DI OUT P01".V90_A.DRV.Support.SetVelo / 0.4; // mm/s ELSE // Set value velocity "DI OUT P01".V90_A.DRV.Support.SetVelo := #V90_A.ManuVelocity_1 * 0.4; // 100% -> 40mm/s // Jog slow WP (button function) #V90_A.CmdExe_slow_WP := "HMI KEY".P01.V90_A.F3_Jog_slow_WP; // Jog slow HP (button function) #V90_A.CmdExe_slow_HP := "HMI KEY".P01.V90_A.F4_Jog_slow_HP; END_IF; END_IF; // Enabling HP "HMI KEY".P01.V90_A.F11_Enable_HP := "DI OUT P01".V90_A.DRV.Support.InOperation // ready AND "DI OUT P01".V90_A.DRV.Support.ActPos >= "DI OUT P01".V90_A.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_MinPos //(not by modulo on) AND NOT ("DI OUT P01".V90_A.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_Min OR "DI OUT P01".V90_A.Com_FLT); // Enabling WP "HMI KEY".P01.V90_A.F12_Enable_WP := "DI OUT P01".V90_A.DRV.Support.InOperation // ready AND "DI OUT P01".V90_A.DRV.Support.ActPos <= "DI OUT P01".V90_A.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_MaxPos // (not by modulo on) AND NOT ("DI OUT P01".V90_A.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_Max OR "DI OUT P01".V90_A.Com_FLT); |
Network 6: V90_B Servo drive metering component B - enable IF #ST_MANU AND NOT #SUPPORT_SEQ THEN IF "DI MAIN GLB".M00.CmpltMaRun_Imp THEN #V90_B.ManuVelocity_1 := "DI OUT P01".V90_B.DRV.Support.SetVelo / 0.4; // mm/s ELSE // Set value velocity "DI OUT P01".V90_B.DRV.Support.SetVelo := #V90_B.ManuVelocity_1 * 0.4; //100% -> 40mm/s // Jog slow WP (button function) #V90_B.CmdExe_slow_WP := "HMI KEY".P01.V90_B.F3_Jog_slow_WP; // Jog slow HP (button function) #V90_B.CmdExe_slow_HP := "HMI KEY".P01.V90_B.F4_Jog_slow_HP; END_IF; END_IF; // Enabling HP "HMI KEY".P01.V90_B.F11_Enable_HP := "DI OUT P01".V90_B.DRV.Support.InOperation // ready AND "DI OUT P01".V90_B.DRV.Support.ActPos >= "DI OUT P01".V90_B.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_MinPos //(not by modulo on) AND NOT ("DI OUT P01".V90_B.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_Min OR "DI OUT P01".V90_B.Com_FLT); // Enabling WP "HMI KEY".P01.V90_B.F12_Enable_WP := "DI OUT P01".V90_B.DRV.Support.InOperation // ready AND "DI OUT P01".V90_B.DRV.Support.ActPos <= "DI OUT P01".V90_B.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_MaxPos // (not by modulo on) AND NOT("DI OUT P01".V90_B.DRV.Support.SW_EndLim_Max OR "DI OUT P01".V90_B.Com_FLT); |
Network 7: P24C_A Pressure regulator component A - enable "HMI KEY".P01.P24C_A.F12_Enable_WP := "DI MAIN GLB".M00.GLB_Estop; IF NOT "HMI KEY".P01.P24C_A.F12_Enable_WP THEN "DI OUT P01".P24C_A.ManualEnable := "DI OUT P01".P24C_A.ModeActivate := FALSE; ELSIF "DI OUT P01".P24C_A.ManualEnable AND "DI OUT P01".P24C_A.State = 4 AND "DI MAIN GLB".M00.ManuCmpltMa_run THEN "DI OUT P01".P24C_A.ManualValue := "DI OUT P01".P24C_A.Support.ManualValue; END_IF; |
Network 8: P24C_B Pressure regulator component B - enable "HMI KEY".P01.P24C_B.F12_Enable_WP := "DI MAIN GLB".M00.GLB_Estop; IF NOT "HMI KEY".P01.P24C_B.F12_Enable_WP THEN "DI OUT P01".P24C_B.ManualEnable := "DI OUT P01".P24C_B.ModeActivate := FALSE; ELSIF "DI OUT P01".P24C_B.ManualEnable AND "DI OUT P01".P24C_B.State = 4 AND "DI MAIN GLB".M00.ManuCmpltMa_run THEN "DI OUT P01".P24C_B.ManualValue := "DI OUT P01".P24C_B.Support.ManualValue; END_IF; |
Network 9: V23Y4 Outlet valve component A - enable "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y4.F12_Enable_WP := "E00 AirPressure OK"; |
Network 10: V23Y5 Outlet valve component B - enable "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y5.F12_Enable_WP := "E00 AirPressure OK"; |
Network 11: V23Y6 Suction valve component A - enable "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y6.F12_Enable_WP := "E00 AirPressure OK"; |
Network 12: V23Y7 Suction valve component B - enable "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y7.F12_Enable_WP := "E00 AirPressure OK"; |
Network 13: V28Y12 Drive cylinder down component A - enable "HMI KEY".P01.V28Y12.F11_Enable_HP := "HMI KEY".P01.V28Y12.F12_Enable_WP := NOT "DI OUT P01".V28Y12.Com_FLT AND "E00 AirPressure OK"; |
Network 14: V28Y34 Drive cylinder down component B - enable "HMI KEY".P01.V28Y34.F11_Enable_HP := "HMI KEY".P01.V28Y34.F12_Enable_WP := NOT "DI OUT P01".V28Y34.Com_FLT AND "E00 AirPressure OK"; |
Network 15: Monitoring pneumatics manual operation *** IF NOT #ST_MANU THEN RETURN; ELSIF #MODULE_HP AND NOT #Support.HomPos_REg THEN "DI MAIN P01".M00.Init := TRUE; END_IF; #Support.HomPos_REg := #MODULE_HP; "DI MAIN P01".M00.TOF_ModuleOFF_Pulse(IN := NOT #SUPPORT_SEQ AND #Support.HomPos_FEg, PT := t#500ms); #Support.HomPos_FEg := #SUPPORT_SEQ; IF #SUPPORT_SEQ THEN RETURN; END_IF; |
Network 16: S120_X Axis gasketting plant - execute #S120_X.CmdExe_slow_fast_WP := "DI OUT P01".S120_X.DRV.Support.SetVelo > 0 AND "HMI KEY".P01.S120_X.F12_Enable_WP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P01.S120_X.F21_Halt AND #S120_X.CmdExe_slow_WP;
#S120_X.CmdExe_slow_fast_HP := "DI OUT P01".S120_X.DRV.Support.SetVelo > 0 AND "HMI KEY".P01.S120_X.F11_Enable_HP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P01.S120_X.F21_Halt AND #S120_X.CmdExe_slow_HP; |
Network 17: S120_Y Axis gasketting plant - execute #S120_Y.CmdExe_slow_fast_WP := "DI OUT P01".S120_Y.DRV.Support.SetVelo > 0 AND "HMI KEY".P01.S120_Y.F12_Enable_WP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P01.S120_Y.F21_Halt AND #S120_Y.CmdExe_slow_WP;
#S120_Y.CmdExe_slow_fast_HP := "DI OUT P01".S120_Y.DRV.Support.SetVelo > 0 AND "HMI KEY".P01.S120_Y.F11_Enable_HP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P01.S120_Y.F21_Halt AND #S120_Y.CmdExe_slow_HP; |
Network 18: S210_Z Axis gasketting plant - execute #S210_Z.CmdExe_slow_fast_WP := "DI OUT P01".S210_Z.DRV.Support.SetVelo > 0 AND "HMI KEY".P01.S210_Z.F12_Enable_WP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P01.S210_Z.F21_Halt AND #S210_Z.CmdExe_slow_WP;
#S210_Z.CmdExe_slow_fast_HP := "DI OUT P01".S210_Z.DRV.Support.SetVelo > 0 AND "HMI KEY".P01.S210_Z.F11_Enable_HP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P01.S210_Z.F21_Halt AND #S210_Z.CmdExe_slow_HP; |
Network 19: CARTESIAN Portal 3D - execute IF "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F7_GroupContinue AND "DI OUT P01".CARTESIAN_3D.DRV.Support.GroupInterrupt THEN #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_GroupContinue := "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F8_Enabled; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F6_GroupInterrupt THEN #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_GroupInterrupt := "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F8_Enabled; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F1_MoveLinearAbsolute THEN #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_MovLinAbso := "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F8_Enabled; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F2_MoveLinearRelative THEN #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_MovLinRela := "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F8_Enabled; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F3_MoveCircularAbsolute THEN #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_MovCirAbso := "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F8_Enabled; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F4_MoveCircularRelative THEN #CARTESIAN_3D.CmdExe_MovCirRela := "HMI KEY".P01.CARTESIAN_3D.F8_Enabled; END_IF; |
Network 20: V90_A Servo drive metering component A - execute #V90_A.CmdExe_slow_fast_HP := "DI OUT P01".V90_A.DRV.Support.SetVelo > 0 AND "HMI KEY".P01.V90_A.F11_Enable_HP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P01.V90_A.F21_Halt AND #V90_A.CmdExe_slow_HP;
#V90_A.CmdExe_slow_fast_WP := "DI OUT P01".V90_A.DRV.Support.SetVelo > 0 AND "HMI KEY".P01.V90_A.F12_Enable_WP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P01.V90_A.F21_Halt AND #V90_A.CmdExe_slow_WP; |
Network 21: V90_B Servo drive metering component B - execute #V90_B.CmdExe_slow_fast_HP := "DI OUT P01".V90_B.DRV.Support.SetVelo > 0 AND "HMI KEY".P01.V90_B.F11_Enable_HP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P01.V90_B.F21_Halt AND #V90_B.CmdExe_slow_HP;
#V90_B.CmdExe_slow_fast_WP := "DI OUT P01".V90_B.DRV.Support.SetVelo > 0 AND "HMI KEY".P01.V90_B.F12_Enable_WP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P01.V90_B.F21_Halt AND #V90_B.CmdExe_slow_WP; |
Network 22: P24C_A Pressure regulator component A - execute IF "DI OUT P01".P24C_A.Reset THEN "DI OUT P01".P24C_A.ManualValue := 0; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P01.P24C_A.F3_Jog_slow_WP AND "DI OUT P01".P24C_A.ManualValue < 100.0 AND "M00_Imp_2.5Hz" THEN "DI OUT P01".P24C_A.ManualValue := "DI OUT P01".P24C_A.ManualValue + 1.0; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P01.P24C_A.F4_Jog_slow_HP AND "DI OUT P01".P24C_A.ManualValue > 0.0 AND "M00_Imp_2.5Hz" THEN "DI OUT P01".P24C_A.ManualValue := "DI OUT P01".P24C_A.ManualValue - 1.0; END_IF; |
Network 23: P24C_B Pressure regulator component B - execute IF "DI OUT P01".P24C_B.Reset THEN "DI OUT P01".P24C_B.ManualValue := 0; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P01.P24C_B.F3_Jog_slow_WP AND "DI OUT P01".P24C_B.ManualValue < 100.0 AND "M00_Imp_2.5Hz" THEN "DI OUT P01".P24C_B.ManualValue := "DI OUT P01".P24C_B.ManualValue + 1.0; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P01.P24C_B.F4_Jog_slow_HP AND "DI OUT P01".P24C_B.ManualValue > 0.0 AND "M00_Imp_2.5Hz" THEN "DI OUT P01".P24C_B.ManualValue := "DI OUT P01".P24C_B.ManualValue - 1.0; END_IF; |
Network 24: V23Y4 Outlet valve component A - execute IF NOT "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y4.F12_Enable_WP OR "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y4.F1_HP THEN "DI OUT P01".V23Y4.CmdExe_WP := FALSE; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y4.F2_WP THEN "DI OUT P01".V23Y4.CmdExe_WP := TRUE; END_IF; |
Network 25: V23Y5 Outlet valve component B - execute IF NOT "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y5.F12_Enable_WP OR "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y5.F1_HP THEN "DI OUT P01".V23Y5.CmdExe_WP := FALSE; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y5.F2_WP THEN "DI OUT P01".V23Y5.CmdExe_WP := TRUE; END_IF; |
Network 26: V23Y6 Suction valve component A - execute IF NOT "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y6.F12_Enable_WP OR "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y6.F1_HP THEN "DI OUT P01".V23Y6.CmdExe_WP := FALSE; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y6.F2_WP THEN "DI OUT P01".V23Y6.CmdExe_WP := TRUE; END_IF; |
Network 27: V23Y7 Suction valve component B - execute IF NOT "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y7.F12_Enable_WP OR "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y7.F1_HP THEN "DI OUT P01".V23Y7.CmdExe_WP := FALSE; ELSIF "HMI KEY".P01.V23Y7.F2_WP THEN "DI OUT P01".V23Y7.CmdExe_WP := TRUE; END_IF; |
Network 28: V28Y12 Drive cylinder down component A - execute "DI OUT P01".V28Y12.VLV_OC.CmdExe_WP := "HMI KEY".P01.V28Y12.F12_Enable_WP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P01.V28Y12.F1_HP AND ("HMI KEY".P01.V28Y12.F2_WP OR "DI OUT P01".V28Y12.FB_WP); "DI OUT P01".V28Y12.VLV_OC.CmdExe_HP := "HMI KEY".P01.V28Y12.F11_Enable_HP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P01.V28Y12.F2_WP AND ("HMI KEY".P01.V28Y12.F1_HP OR "DI OUT P01".V28Y12.FB_HP); |
Network 29: V28Y34 Drive cylinder down component B - execute "DI OUT P01".V28Y34.VLV_OC.CmdExe_WP := "HMI KEY".P01.V28Y34.F12_Enable_WP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P01.V28Y34.F1_HP AND ("HMI KEY".P01.V28Y34.F2_WP OR "DI OUT P01".V28Y34.FB_WP); "DI OUT P01".V28Y34.VLV_OC.CmdExe_HP := "HMI KEY".P01.V28Y34.F11_Enable_HP AND NOT "HMI KEY".P01.V28Y34.F2_WP AND ("HMI KEY".P01.V28Y34.F1_HP OR "DI OUT P01".V28Y34.FB_HP); |